HULLO, boys and girls. Yes, it’s “boys and girls” now, instead of “children.” The people who run your programmes on the new Television think that you don’t like to be called “children” too often.
So the hour between five and six o’clock on Mondays to Fridays is called Tea V Time — not Children’s Hour. And your shows at the weekend are named “Junior” programmes.
There will be lots of fun in Tea V Time, plenty of serials, sport, some good plays, and cowboys — we can’t do without them.
The children’s programmes will not try to please all ages in the same hour. Tea V Time on Mondays will be called “Venture” and will be for boys aged 9 to 15. Right through the week, the programmes will be aimed at special groups.
Tuesday is for girls aged 9 to 15 and is called “Elizabethan Fanfare.” Programmes will include interviews with girls in the news, a half-hour play every week, visits behind the curtain at the theatre and ballet, and a disc-jockey show once a month.
Wednesday has a general programme called “Telebox.” it is the one day when they don’t keep to the rule — “Telebox” is for all ages (Mum and Dad, too). There’s a family serial story, cartoons, custard-pie comedy, and Nat Temple and his band.

Thursday’s “Flickwiz” is for boys and girls in the older age group. There will be a “Hopalong Cassidy” film, plus a quiz show or a play competition. In the competition, boys and girls will be asked to write the end of a play, and the best will be acted on Television.
Friday is the day for boys and girls aged five to nine. In “Bubble and Squeak” they will see a cartoon, a play about people who live in a pillar-box, and sometimes a programme about pets.
The “Junior” programmes at the weekend start on Saturday morning with a youngsters’ section of the Weekend magazine show. In the afternoon there are fun and competitions in ABC Club.
Then there are films of stories by Hans Christian Andersen, or about people like highwayman Dick Turpin, and after that a programme with the big-game hunters Michaela and Armand Denis.
The Sunday afternoon shows include “Going Places” for older boys and girls — taking you behind the scenes of places of interest. Then, for the very young, there is a programme all about Enid Blyton’s “Noddy.”
There are also half-hour films of Roy Rogers and Robin Hood.
And for your younger brothers and sisters — the under-fives — there is a quarter-hour programme every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12.15.
Each Tea V Time there will be one man or woman acting as master of ceremonies.